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I stopped somewhere this morning while driving home from dropping
my son off at work.  I'll be honest, I have thought about stopping to take a closer look at this place for oh...just 15 years or so, but never did- until this morning. Why I stopped today of all days I can't tell you. In fact I drove past it, and then had an overwhelming urge to turn around and go back.

This is the place I'm talking about- It looks amazing! Of course that is if you like old, abandoned, and barely visible buildings- which I do! Add in an obsession I have with lost, forgotten and old junk- and I have discovered the Holy Grail!

I have to say being up close now, the building held more mystery and intrigue.  I realize I must sound like a "geek" or "weirdo", but things like this building for instance fascinate me. I actually found the overgrowth and weeds covering the area to make the old place seem magical...

You can see from this angle that the front door is propped open as if this building were frozen in time and looking exactly as it did the day this business closed forever. Now I AM intrigued.

So I did the only thing that any nosey possibly trespassing passer-by would do. I walked up to the front door. I wanted a closer look. I  have to admit, I was feeling a bit giddy inside. The suspense was building. Can you feel it? It's not just me, is it? 

Trying to look through the window to see inside, I have so many questions going through my mind. Who owns this building? Why did it close? When did it close? Why is it still filled with junk and possibly(?) priceless goodies? Well, you get the idea. And the funny thing is, I'm actually talking to myself- out loud!

I'll admit I have mixed emotions staring inside this abandoned building that was once a store. It was definitely jam-packed with "stuff". Now whether it was stuff that was worth anything or not is another story. All I can tell you is that looking inside the window I was fascinated more than ever with this abandoned building!

It wasn't until I was walking back to my car that I even noticed that there was an old sign on the side of the building. It read- "Country Farms Store." The sign was hidden behind the overgrowth. But it still had its charm and felt a little like a secret about this building had been revealed to me.

 Like I said, I'm not sure what made me finally stop and take a closer look at this building today. But I'm so glad that I did!  I can say without a doubt, that I am more curious than ever about this building. And what fun it was to be able to share my mini-adventure with you.

If there's a place that you pass every day and know little to nothing about, I say go for it! Stop your car.  And if it's safe and you're not breaking any trespassing laws, wander around, take some pictures. Who knows what you might learn. 

Oh and share them with me! I'd love to hear about it!

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