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Have you ever had "one of those days?" Let me clarify. Have you ever been out thrift shopping, not looking for anything in particular, but discover that when you're through you've accumulated a cart full of treasures? You feel as if  everything on your thrift shop wish list was on the shelf just waiting for you!

And if that weren't a dream come true when you least expected it, you remember that you have a 30% coupon off your total purchase burning a hole in your wallet!  That is what I mean when I ask you if you have ever had "one of those days." Well I had "one of those days" as you can see. 

Now as amazing as everything is in the cart, I was particularly excited to find a vintage 1986 (OK- calling something "vintage" that was manufactured the year I graduated high school is a bit unsettling, I won't lie) Carousel gumball machine with a glass globe. Yup, glass not plastic. That's a big deal I'll have you know!

I was thrilled to find this gumball machine for $2.99! Hello!!! And may I remind you that I also had a 30% off coupon, which makes this gumball machine virtually FREE!  I have been looking for a gumball machine for a long time. No, not for gumballs, but to re-IMAGINE and use as a display piece for my vintage button collection!

So I took the gumball machine apart, chose a spray paint color that I happen to think looks amazing and went to town giving my "vintage" find a "new" look!

I have to say this is probably one of the easiest transformations I have taken on in quite some time. I gave the gumball machine a few coats of spray paint and let it cure for several days before finishing with a couple of coats of clear sealer. I won't lie, I had a little difficulty putting it all back together. I actually had to Google the instructions. Sorry- take my advice and learn from me, take pictures as you disassemble your gumball machine. You'll be glad you did when it's time to put it all back together. I felt ridiculous! (Shhh.... don't tell anyone). is the result! I love the color and the buttons look fabulous!

I have an extensive vintage button collection of various colors, material, and shapes as you can plainly see (This particular collection of buttons was one of my favorite purchases at Brimfield last May). I thought all different varieties of white buttons looked best with the gumball machine. Who knows though. It's not unlike me to change my mind the minute I make up my mind...

The silver turning mechanism on the gumball machine was looking a bit run down. So I grabbed one of my favorite products Rub-n-Buff. It's the tiniest of tubes but full of a fabulous wax that comes in a plethora of colors. All it takes is a dab of wax applied with just your finger! I used the silver Rub-n-Buff on the gumball machine mechanism. I think its enhanced the silver finish and gives it a great looking antiqued patina. Love it!!!

Which gumball machine looks as if you only paid $2.99?

I think overall, the project turned out great!

There's pretty much nothing you can't do when you use your IMAGINATION!

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